Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween fun!

I found this cute idea on Pinterest .  We read "Where's My Mummy" and did a writing activity about what our "Mummy" does when we get scared.  I wish you could see their responses but the picture quality is not the best.

Here are a few of their responses:

When I get scared my mummy...
fixes me hot cocoa.
lets  me sleep with her.
holds me.
talks with me until I feel better.

 "at" words

I introduced adjectives and we described our jack-o-lanterns.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Brown Bear, Brown Bear!

I paired the students up and they made these illustrations after we read Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  I hung them in the hall and after we left them out there for a week, I brought them back to our room and made a classroom book.  Love their artwork!  I think they were pretty proud of themselves too!


I ordered an IPAD a month or so ago and it finally came in while we were off on fall break.  The kids have really enjoyed getting to use it in centers.  There are lots of great apps out there. 

 Here is a look at the stamp center.  I used it the first couple of weeks and just recently brought it back out to work on color words again during our Brown Bear activities. 
Letter tiles used for color words during more Brown Bear, Brown Bear activities

Here are a couple of pictures from our art center the past couple of weeks.  We worked on Sea Life one week and Armadillos the next. 

More Sea Life centers

I even broke out the Play-Doh to work on letters last week. 

A little bit of this and that

How cute are these two?  I just had to snap a shot of them hanging out at recess :)

(left side is our daily fix it and the right side is our daily writing.  The students had to draw a picture of a place you would find a tractor. This student drew a great looking barn.)
I wanted to share a journal with you.  This is the one thing that has really surprised me this year.  I was a little hesitant about starting it so early in the year but clearly there was no need to wait.  The students are doing great with them.  I am so proud of them.  We do a daily fix it and a journal writing each day first thing in the morning.  One of my favorite things.  I love their writing and illustrations!

Here are the pigs that were made in the art center using different size circles.  Their favorite part was rolling a strip of construction paper on a pencil to make the tail.